Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Background & Importance of Issue
- The Deterioriating Morality in Thai Society
- The King's Fund
- Lack of Discipline & Sense of Social Responsibility
- Japanese people are best known for their discipline and social mindfulness
- Mindfulness meditation has growth exponentially worldwide
- It seems fit to link the pieces together.
- This study aims to identify the traits of mindfulness meditation according to Buddism practice that has been instilled into the daily life of Japanese people since the old days and proposes that it is by practicing it, the Japanese were able to acquire such positive traits (disciplined, hard-working, polite, modest, honest, loyal, etc.) and was able to build their country into what they are today.
IS Due on May 16th! :-P
Well, I now have to rush against time to finish my Individual Study a.k.a dissertation proposal by May 16th! This means I may not have much time to update my blogs. But it also means I'll update a lot more in my theory blog!
This is the book I am now reading. Anybody read it before? heh-heh Would love to have some help, folks!