Saturday, December 25, 2004
Sociological Theory: Contemporary Look at Structural-Functionalism
In the first page result of Google Search on "Structural Functionalism Theory", I found this web site. It's a course based on a book by McCgraw-Hill who hosts the web site. It should be a good start for me in trying to explore and explain Structural Functionalism.
- My dissertation progress at this moment: My advisor told me to look into Structural Functionalism as a theoretical perspective of my topic, and to do more research on Japan and its Buddhism roots.
So, here we go. I have to look more into the site later. The course outline is useful as a jump start for me. My primary goal now is not so much to look into the Grand Theory itself but to try to find the perfect match of mid-range theory that fits my topic of interest. So, help me, Blog! :-P
Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots: The Basics George Ritzer, University of Maryland"
Modern Theoretical Portraits of the Social World

Chapter Objectives
After reading Chapter 4, students should be able to:
- explain the basic tenets of structural functionalism, conflict theory, systems theory and macro-level feminist theory and be able to compare and contrast the similarities and differences among these theories;
- explain how Dahrendorf defines authority and why he is considered a conflict theorist;
- describe the four defining characteristics of Luhmann's autopoietic system;
- describe the four types of differentiation identified by Luhmann;
- explain the differences between how Parsons and Luhmann each define a system; and
- understand the defining characteristics of macro-level feminist theory."
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